Hey. Another Kubrick piece. This time Full Metal Jacket. I'll go back to some earlier stuff next. Maybe The Killing because if I recall it's really good. Full Metal Jacket is actually really good too. I liked it a lot more than I remember. Maybe it's just because I paid closer attention this time, but it is a really upsetting movie. It is structurally weird and stuff, but that somehow builds the impact of the story well. It's hard to come out of this movie thinking war is awesome. A lot of war movies, even some of the good ones, claim authenticity but end up feeling like ads for the marines. Full Metal Jacket takes people, puts them through a specific military culture, and observes the way that divides and effects them. Sketches!

I liked 2 and 3, they felt uncomfortable like the movie while dealing with the conflict between war and people. But #2 felt more specific to the FMJ. Less heavy handed. I do want to split a drawing right down the middle one of these days though. Anyway I did a bunch of stuff and here's the final. Ended up using a less limited palette on this one to better suit the film's atmosphere.