Monday, December 16, 2013

Sketchbook Stuff

Sometimes when I'm stuck for something to draw I'll just draw animals. Most of these are composites of a few pictures. Some are straight copies. Some are loosely referenced.

I like how some animals are pretty much illustrations of concepts just on their own, although mostly I just like drawing animals. If you don't understand why I like drawing animals, why don't you just try and stop me.

That one's a crab.

Also I have like a bunch of these. If you want one let me know.

Monday, December 9, 2013

New Comic

Hello. I've been thumbnailing my new comic like crazy this past week. We'll see how much of what I'm doing makes the cut, but I'm pretty excited about these characters and stories. Anyway, since you probably don't want to look at scripts and thumbnails here are a couple of quick drawings I've done of the main characters. Stay tuned.

Monday, December 2, 2013