Monday, September 8, 2014
Switching to Tumblr
Thanks for reading this stuff for that past year and a bit. I'm going to switch over to tumblr because people actually see that stuff. I'll link here for longer posts still perhaps, but if you want to see the weekly posts head over to Thanks.
Monday, September 1, 2014
The Killing
Hey! I got this motha done despite the fact that I moved this week. I finally can stop moving every month and I'm officially a Brooklyner person. Bring on the fedoras. If you see me on the street and you don't recognize me it's probably because I'm wearing a fedora.
But The Killing. It is a great noir movie about a heist that hinges on meticulous planning, a clown mask, and the killing of a race horse. It has good characters, and really stands out from a lot of other noir with the way it looks, but also with its nonlinear narrative structure. Showing the same events from different perspectives etc.
If I'd had more time this week I would've tried some other approaches to the paneled sketch looking at the moment of the killing from different POVs. Maybe three different close ups. I really want to make one of these paneled illustrations work sometime. Anyway. I ended up going with the first idea because it does the best job of showing the symbol and mood that sets The Killing apart from other noir. Even though I probably wouldn't use color to sell this movie normally, I really like finding a palette that works for B&W movies.
Monday, August 25, 2014
The Shining
Here's The Shining. Another movie that's been done to death. I wanted to go with something that had the movie's stillness and suggested its focus on interiority/exteriority. I've seen some really cool looking art about this movie that focuses on the axe. To me that seems wrong. Quiet, foreboding, creepy. This is a movie about a man trying to fight off insanity. Of these two preliminary sketches I wasn't sure, but one I worked them up to finaler sketches I could tell the hotel would be a blast to draw.
Monday, August 18, 2014
I'd never seen Lolita before. It's about a man who pursues a relationship with a teenage girl. I ended up reading a lot about the book and how Kubrick went about adapting it. The more I pay attention to Kubrick's movies though the more impressed I am by his ability to build a narrative without moralizing. Lolita is a pretty disturbing movie in a lot of ways, but the characters are interesting and the story builds them very well. Still a real creepy movie. I should read the book. It seems like Nabokov inspired bits from a lot of fiction that I like. Oh, and here are the preliminary sketches.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Barry Lyndon
I mean just look at this still from the movie. So clearly composed as a painting. This is a little more Caravaggio than most of the film, which Kubrick has said is made to look more contemporary to artists like Watteau and Hogarth (apologies for the awful color on the Hogarth)
The thing I really did enjoy about this movie though was the subtle undermining a lot of the normal period drama beats. Kubrick subverts the whole thing with a deeply ironic narrator and characteristic grimness. These elements reveal the artifice behind the lavish settings and characters to expose a real human tragedy.
So I made a lot of sketches, but many of them stuck pretty close to things I've seen a lot or these types of paintings. Stuff that would work, but didn't necessarily betray the underlying tone of the movie. I decided to subjugate that approach with more of my own interests and tendencies and came up with this.
This idea did a better job framing the classical painting composition within a more modern discomforting treatment. It suited the tone of the film much better. And apart from a few little tweaks with color and composition I stuck pretty close to this. I spent forever drawing that type perfectly, but then abandoned that for the stand-in type I did with a dip pen that's in the final. Too many words.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Comic Characters
Been doing some storyboard work, so I've just got some sketchbook stuff. Characters from comics I like. Had another I liked, but it got ruined, so just Die Hard from Prophet, and Hellboy from Hellboy. You get it.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Quick Doom
Here's Doom. The mask is the man. Might mess with the colors more later.
Edit: Remember how bad that looks? Spent another couple hours and made it anew. This is better. This color is still a little funky, but it has a more serious villain vibe, and it does a lot better job stressing the difference between Dumile and the character DOOM. At least I think it does.
Edit: Made some more minor changes.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Full Metal Jacket
Hey. Another Kubrick piece. This time Full Metal Jacket. I'll go back to some earlier stuff next. Maybe The Killing because if I recall it's really good. Full Metal Jacket is actually really good too. I liked it a lot more than I remember. Maybe it's just because I paid closer attention this time, but it is a really upsetting movie. It is structurally weird and stuff, but that somehow builds the impact of the story well. It's hard to come out of this movie thinking war is awesome. A lot of war movies, even some of the good ones, claim authenticity but end up feeling like ads for the marines. Full Metal Jacket takes people, puts them through a specific military culture, and observes the way that divides and effects them. Sketches!
I liked 2 and 3, they felt uncomfortable like the movie while dealing with the conflict between war and people. But #2 felt more specific to the FMJ. Less heavy handed. I do want to split a drawing right down the middle one of these days though. Anyway I did a bunch of stuff and here's the final. Ended up using a less limited palette on this one to better suit the film's atmosphere.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Back Home
I went to ICON8 in Portland and it was really very cool. If you're considering going to it in the future I would recommend it; I met some very cool people and learned as much as you could hope to at such an event.
Anyway travel was a monster somehow, and although I was able to keep up an OK pace on comics work I didn't get another Kubrick piece done yet. Unless a ton of other jobs pop up I'll have one on Monday. So I'm done traveling, back in New York. Here is a horse to commemorate the occasion. The color on these is always pretty slapdash. Maybe I'll go back and fiddle with it more.
Anyway travel was a monster somehow, and although I was able to keep up an OK pace on comics work I didn't get another Kubrick piece done yet. Unless a ton of other jobs pop up I'll have one on Monday. So I'm done traveling, back in New York. Here is a horse to commemorate the occasion. The color on these is always pretty slapdash. Maybe I'll go back and fiddle with it more.
Oh also my favorite people I drew at Icon ripped from a few pages in my sketchbook. If you recognize yourself let me know.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Monday, June 30, 2014
2001: a Space Odyssey
I live in New York now. Also if you have a cheap apartment available let me know.
I'm working on comics mostly, but I've just made an editorial poster for 2001: a Space Odyssey. I was testing out whether or not I would do a series of all of Kubrick's movies on weekends and stuff. I will. There is so much to learn from his movies. There is also a ton of conceptual and thematic substance to his work. Kubrick makes it so easy for viewers to connect with his movies in individual and specific ways, so I feel like I should have no problem making some worthwhile art based off his films.
2001 seemed like a good starting point because it is such a classic. Familiar symbols etc... I decided to focus on the the mysterious nature of human development the film presents. Here are a couple sketches I started with.
I'm working on comics mostly, but I've just made an editorial poster for 2001: a Space Odyssey. I was testing out whether or not I would do a series of all of Kubrick's movies on weekends and stuff. I will. There is so much to learn from his movies. There is also a ton of conceptual and thematic substance to his work. Kubrick makes it so easy for viewers to connect with his movies in individual and specific ways, so I feel like I should have no problem making some worthwhile art based off his films.
2001 seemed like a good starting point because it is such a classic. Familiar symbols etc... I decided to focus on the the mysterious nature of human development the film presents. Here are a couple sketches I started with.
I went with the first one because it felt truer to the atmosphere of the movie. Here it is inked.
And the final.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Update: Painting and Moving
Oh hey there. Give me a second to get this all together. OK.
So I missed a couple weeks there because I was painting this mural. It looks almost exactly like this except 25 feet long. It took a while because of it's 25 feet long.
If I hadn't been slogging away at that we would have celebrated this blog's one year anniversary. Hooray! Everybody celebrate with me. I thought about doing some sort of reflective post about this year, but just like, scroll down and you'll get a sense of it. Maybe hum something melancholy while you do.
I'm moving again, this time to New York City, so I couldn't get great scans of stuff in transit. Here are some low quality scans of unlettered comics. This book is almost wrapped. I can give some more details later, but it's written by Sam Costello. It's not always this guy on a phone, but these are some of my favorite pages from it where he is.
Sketchbook Judge Dredd...
And some life drawings with fast color slapped down on them. The only life drawings in my sketchbook that I've inked right now are a couple from Pecha Kucha STL.

Monday, June 2, 2014
Episode 2
New Pages! Read them quickly! I've got a bunch of stuff planned on this, but getting a little done in between other projects here and there.
Edit: This is the whole episode now. Whoop.
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