Oh hey there. Give me a second to get this all together. OK.
So I missed a couple weeks there because I was painting this mural. It looks almost exactly like this except 25 feet long. It took a while because of it's 25 feet long.
If I hadn't been slogging away at that we would have celebrated this blog's one year anniversary. Hooray! Everybody celebrate with me. I thought about doing some sort of reflective post about this year, but just like, scroll down and you'll get a sense of it. Maybe hum something melancholy while you do.
I'm moving again, this time to New York City, so I couldn't get great scans of stuff in transit. Here are some low quality scans of unlettered comics. This book is almost wrapped. I can give some more details later, but it's written by Sam Costello. It's not always this guy on a phone, but these are some of my favorite pages from it where he is.
Sketchbook Judge Dredd...
And some life drawings with fast color slapped down on them. The only life drawings in my sketchbook that I've inked right now are a couple from Pecha Kucha STL.

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